Press Release - for immediate release - 9 January 2005
Newbury Bypass ten years on - huge traffic growth revealed
On the tenth anniversary since worked started to build the bitterly
contested A34 Newbury Bypass [1], research shows that the additional
road capacity has fuelled traffic growth of just under 50% [2]. Figures
also show that congestion is as bad at rush hour as it was prior to the
bypass opening, and that the new road has encouraged more traffic. In
2003, five years after its opening, traffic levels had already
massively exceeded the Government predictions for traffic levels at
- In the morning rush hour, congestion in Newbury is as bad as it
was prior to the opening of the bypass, indeed it shows about a 25%
increase since the bypass opened (see graphs on pages B1 and B2 of the
Newbury Movement Study [2]).
- Page 37 of the Newbury Movement Study [2] says 'across both roads
[the A339 - the old A34 near central Newbury, and the new A34 bypass],
the overall traffic has dramatically risen from 43,900 (1999) to 65,000
(2003), a rise of just under 50% in four years'. Growth in traffic
nationally for the same period averaged 5%. In 1999 for all motor
vehicles, there were 467 billion km travelled, in 2003 there were 490.4
billion km travelled, an increase of 23.4 billion km or 5% increase.
(Transport Statistics Great Britain 2004 by the Department for
- The Highways Agency report 'Newbury Bypass Study Report'
(July 1995) [3] in section 3.27.1, page 14, predicted that on the new
road, the present A34 Newbury Bypass, then traffic would reach between
22,000 and 36,000 vehicles per day in 2010. In 2003 there are
45,700 vpd (Annual Average Weekly Traffic) on the bypass (see
figure 3.7 after page 37) [2]. In fact, economic growth over the
period has been low, so the lower figure should be taken as the
predicted figure not the higher growth figure, i.e. traffic in 2003 was
207% higher than was predicted for 2010.
Rebecca Lush from Road Block said:
"In 1995 we predicted the road would bring only short term
relief, but even we did not anticipate that the traffic would rise
again so quickly. Ten years on we are sad to see that Newbury is still
grid locked at rush hour, but has sacrificed its beautiful pristine
countryside forever. The lessons must be learned, that building
more roads generates more traffic. However the government is
still building roads and encouraging traffic growth. More roads
mean more traffic, which means more climate change. We must
change direction, and Newbury is an example of a failed twentieth
century transport policy that must never be repeated".
Speaking on the Today programme, Newbury business man and Friends of
the Earth member, Adrian Foster Fletcher said:
"Anyone who lives in Newbury knows how the town is still grid locked at
rush hour, and this report shows the extraordinary traffic growth the
bypass has prompted, just as we predicted ten years ago. Whilst
nationally traffic growth has risen by about 5%, in the same period
since the bypass opened, Newbury has experienced 50% traffic
growth. This road was never built to solve Newbury's traffic
problems, and this report shows how the bypass has failed Newbury, and
encouraged more traffic and pollution. Ten years on we hope that
the lessons of Newbury will be learned."
Editors Notes
- Construction work on the A34 Newbury bypass started on 9 January
1996, resulting in a sustained direct action campaign with over 30
protest camps and 1000 arrests. The 13.5 km (10 mile) dual
carriageway to the west of the town was opened in November 1998. The
road destroyed four Sites of Special Scientific Interest, two Scheduled
Ancient Monuments, and numerous wildlife habitats and ancient
- The Atkins Newbury Movement Study, commissioned by West Berkshire
Council, was published in 2005, comprising three parts including the
Baseline Review of Transport Conditions (246 pages). The
Study is available to download at webpage:http://www.westberks.gov.uk/WestBerkshire/transport.nsf/pages/NewburyM114721.html
- Highways Agency report recommended the Newbury Bypass be built,
after terminating six months ahead of schedule. Its remit was "to
look again at the published route and any other practical alternative
options for reducing congestion at Newbury". A critique can be
read at:
- Full text of section 3.27.1 is ' Following the 1988 inquiry new
National Road Traffic Forecasts (NRTF 89) were release. These were
based on the revised economic and planning data projections. New
estimates of the forecast traffic flow are some 50 to 60% higher than
those given at the Inquiry. Revised low growth forecasts for the
Western Bypass range from 22,000 to 30,000 vpd (depending upon
location) and high growth from 27,000 to 36,000 vpd (all traffic flows
are given in 24 hour AADT).'
Road Block
office at roadblock dot org dot uk