Campaign donations
Last updated: 4 January 2009.

Save Stonehenge! is not currently collecting donations.
However, if you have some money to spare and you like helping to preserve our heritage, would you please consider making a donation to The Landmark Trust, which does a superb job saving historically important buildings:
"The Landmark Trust is a building preservation charity, founded in 1965 by the late Sir John Smith and Lady Smith. It was established to rescue historic and architecturally interesting buildings and their surroundings from neglect and, when restored, to give them new life by letting them as places to experience for holidays."
Where did the money go?
If you donated money to Save Stonehenge while our campaign was active, you may be interested to know how we spent your donation. The donations we received specifically for Stonehenge were donated to the Stonehenge Alliance (approximately £1050 or $2100) to help with public inquiry costs (mainly hiring expert witnesses). Another £300 ($600) was used to pay EarthRights Solicitors (and a barrister they hired) for legal advice before the inquiry began. The website has also raised approximately £200 ($400) from book sales and so on—money not specifically donated for the campaign. Of this, £92 (roughly $184) was donated to Road Block (now a project of the Campaign for Better Transport), which helped us campaign nationally on the Stonehenge issue between 2005 and 2007. Since our campaign ended in December 2007, our remaining funds of £100 ($200) have been donated to the White Horse Alliance to help them fight a public inquiry into the Westbury bypass. We paid the cost of running the website and all administrative campaign costs ourselves; no donations were used to pay our personal costs.